Tue. Feb 18th, 2025


Since my boat only goes in then comes out of that treasured body of water that I gaze at every day I suppose I don’t pay enough attention as I drive by the various check stations that have been set up since the last time I took the vessel anywhere many years ago.

But when you are dealing with the protection of a 197-sqare mile body that happens to be recognized as not just the largest freshwater lake in the western United States but also one of the 300 largest lakes in the entire world, protection of the treasure of Flathead Lake certainly can’t be taken for granted.

Yet it took the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes 2016 declaration of a state of emergency because of the threat of mussels before it dawned on me that as a lover of that body of water that I needed to pay attention to it.

But I am maybe like you here it is a year later and not only have I not attempted to educate myself further until this week, I don’t think I have even talked to anyone about this important subject.

And I can’t do justice to the subject in such a short space or time but let’s touch some high points.

In an effort to keep a handle on the invasive mussels, the Salish and Kootenai Tribes are offering boat inspections at 406 St East in Polson 7 to 530 Monday thru Thursday and 8 to 530 Friday thru Sunday.

And one can get more info by calling 675-2700.

And I’ll bet if you’re like me you are wondering if the mandatory stops are doing us any good well I can assure you they have proved effective.

There have been several recent catches where a boat has been prevented from taking the species into area lakes.

And if you are thinking of skipping past the check stations thinking no one is watching be advised the fine is 85.

Clean, drain and dry are the watch words of the day and it is recommended a boat is 30 days dry,

The lake’s about up and I don’t know about you but I’m itchin to roll the old vox vessel off that boat trailer and find what’s new on Polson Bay.

By admin

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