Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

By Mick Holien

Here I am on a Monday night and unusually there is quite an open spot in the center of my desk.

Now that might seem strange that I point that out to you in the opening of a program but really I had to make astronomical alterations in the way I do business just to claim that two-by-three desk spot that really isn’t that functional but honestly it really gives me some piece of mind.

It could represent that my bills are current and it is only 20 percent of the way through the month.

It could mean I have given up on that stack of catalogs that I am never going to wade through and even if I did it would only lead to wasteful purchases.

Or it could even mean I have purchased a larger desk to add to the conglomeration a quartet I have situated in front of my north-facing window where I gaze at Flathead Lake from a couple of miles but just a waning thought away.

In the background the Mariners are trying to hold onto a one-run extra frame victory.

That is especially significant…oops how bout that Mariners win – because it looks like there could be little baseball in my near future which I may tell you more about tomorrow.

And what better days – the dog days when dreams of seasons began look to grasp fruition and the boys of summer get set to give way to pigskin hopefuls facing in less than three weeks a four-month grind where they will reach out to the bucketballers.

And after cruising out of Polson Bay to the East Bay, shutting down the Vex Vessel confident of its refire, sipping a libation with great friends and watching that fire sun depart even when a glance to the south Missions which still sport a crewcut of snow prompts some acceptance of this inevitable annual occurrence.

But the waning days are yet to bring us the Car Show and the Bop a Dips and the Blues Festival on the Big Stage.

So it sure doesn’t mean I am quite ready…no indeed not quite ready.

Just sayin’

By admin

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