By Mick Holien
To say I welcome raucous weekend activities is an understatement.
It is just making judgment over where and what to put puts extreme onus on this IMO.
I really think one with a little investigation could find excellent and diverse music the entire week yet the lingering smoke coupled with near record temps I think eventually weighs a bit.
The highlight for me was the Vox Vessel on the big water for the third and fourth sojourn already passing last year’s meager total.
And after super wrench “Carl” put the hammer on things she purrs like a …well too close to football. I’m, not going to say it.
I took the water route to the Big Stage and certainly appreciate all the kind words at seemingly all venues about listening to the program.
And for those folks who yelled at me and I didn’t immediately recognize them, the old eyesight just isn’t what it used to be and I couldn’t see you.
Nut special thanks to that flotilla that rescued me when I got let loose to aimlessly drift downstream without power.
It took me a bit to get to the helm but great conversation afterward.
Well we are really in the gridiron countdown now and since I am credentialed this season if you happen to be a sports fan, you’ll often hear things here either exclusively or initially.
That little salvo I dropped about baseball is to do with an exciting announcement for me and I hope for you about going to the mike for a little end of season professional stint.
Baseball has always been my love and I especially enjoy the time to share stories and remembrances that started on the professional fan level for me pretty early since this town’s play-by-play guy, the Voice of the Indians, lived across the street from me in the Lilac City.
Music, even from waterview, with the Bop a Dips at Summerfest was as usual exceptional but I have to share that while being in the river is fine it is far more fun right in front of the action.
And it just keeping better with next weekend’s Blues Festival, all your important info right here on this page.
Here on this Sunday my view of the narrows is considerably better than it has been so I’m thinking making up the west side, maybe into Grinde, King’s then into Safety Bay for a quick stop then headed for the north country so look for us.
I’ve been known to hit that dock frig pretty hard when you’re not home lol.
The 2019 class of the Montana Football Hall of Fame has been determined and along with the baseball I’ll let the powers-that-be give you the official info.
Another serious accident on the west side marred the weekend so please keep patience as the virtue especially with the inundation of visitors.
Just sayin’