Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

By Mick Holien

Music – It inspires the soul, diverts our attention from challenging times and brings kindred spirits together.

And in other times dissimilar or the unacquainted are drawn to song.

I’m not much of a conversationalist when I am locked into music and so from my spot stage left during the Mission Mountain Wood Band set an advance apology if I didn’t spend as much time as I would have if first of all I could have head you or if you had been able to pull me away from sharing the lyrics to about every song.

My pal Renata even tried to engage me by swinging with the scooter which I have to admit was cool.

Tonight’s Boys & Girls Club meeting finds answering loads of questions about the success of the Aber Day Reunion from people who obviously didn’t attend.

Just to be part of the first show on the new huge stage would have been enough to compel me to search again harder for my still missing billfold.

To put it in perspective I shorted the size of the structure. It actually approaches 40x60sq-feet.

And when I describe something as expansive, having spent a few minutes up there all I can say it will take a heck of a good sized band to dominate the 2,640 square foot structure.

That is to replace flatbed trailers that housed the majority of shows from the Mule Marathon on Evaro Hill to all points north.

The stage goes right back into use for the Blues Festival Friday and Saturday.

But let me pose a question if you are interested about the event’s success, I guess I wonder why you didn’t attend.

I really have no idea how many of those concerts, especially with M2WB I will attend in the future, but I can assure you the one Saturday was special.

And I didn’t feel that during sound check but the minute they broke into “Take a Whiff Off Me,” right up to “Mountain Standard Time” I knew they were really on and had the opportunity to tell them so afterword.

But why not, surely with no criticism of the other acts, the Mission Mountain Wood Band, like the Christmas Grinch, stole away another Aber Day.

Just sayin’ And you?


By admin

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