Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Jan 2


Well here we are. We made it. Happy New Year to you and yours and I swear that’s my last salutation until the holidays of 2017 that is if I am so fortunate to be around.

I know you are anxious to realize that in this 17th year of the third millennium – you already knew that I’m sure – that the year has been designated as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development by the United Nations.

Boy am I glad that here on the second day of MMXVII that I was able to let you know about that as imo continues

this is the inaugural day of the new Mick cuz ya know this is just a Mick thing.

No I want to assure you I wasn’t named after Mick Mantle.

I was born in the same October month as The Mick but 13 years his junior I’m not thinking that he wasn’t hitting home runs by then and yet unheard of although he was already dominating little league in his hometown of Spavinaw, Oklahoma.

Mickey also was Mantle’s given name where in my case my name is Michael – don’t call me Mike- and my Mickey Boy nickname came from my beloved uncle.

Probably too much information but hey most people are off today. I was called Mike through the end of my military time but when I made my way back to Spokane late in the sixties and started at the Spokesman-Review I opted to go by my given nickname.

So you see when somebody refers to me as Mike I know they’ve known me for a long time.

It was interesting though at my 50th class reunion nobody knew who mick was on my nametag.

Of course it didn’t help being recognized since I had lost more than a hundred pounds since those high school days.

Let’s see just a taste of more biographical info.

I’m an Ainsworth-That’s my middle name and comes from my mother’s maiden name. I’m thinking that might have been common during the forties since I have encountered others who have those mantras.

Now don’t you feel like you know me so much better and that should let you enjoy In My Opinion just a bit more or not!!

More than 50 programs into our intimate relationship you should know the program is comprised of just what comes to mind and has no agenda other than to make you cry, smile, yell in dismay, cheer or even cuz.

And be careful when you encounter me because you could easily become tomorrow’s category.

Just sayin.



By admin

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