Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Let Us All Volunteer

After a myriad of days proclaiming how many shopping days until … Yes it’s almost here and if you’re like me you’re down to two days and change with extended store shopping hours.

But you won’t hear Happy Holidays from me and you might get a frown if you pass that along…Merry Christmas to one and all.

Where is it just me or is it hard to believe 2016 will move to our memory in just eight days.

Can you remember when 2001 a space odyssey seemed so many years away-there I go I’ve aged myself again.

My mother would have turned 100 this week and on the same December day my mom and dad would have celebrated her I think 75th anniversary.

Odd to me that I haven’t given that much thought and it just came to me this week that this would have been a centennial.

My Dad died suddenly at age 46 in 1966 and my mom passed and my mom passed in 1982 and it all seems such a generation away I don’t give it much thought.

They must have nudged me on this Christmas week.

As I count down to the year’s end I have pondered what has been quite a reflective year.

I guess you can say my modus operendi has changed and while I anticipated having time on my hands, it really has been anything but that.

I have to admit not traveling at least every other week has made my life less hectic and suffice it to say my homework assignments have been considerably less arduous.

I continue to be confident that the added time will allow me to be better organized but that hasn’t proven to be true as IMO and volunteering do a pretty good job of occupying my time.

I even thought I would have plenty of time to settle with a good read but while I have several that also hasn’t been the case.

My reading today consists of 36 pages of bylaws to be rewritten…sound enticing.

Just a quick moment as we wrap up the week to thank you for your support The reaching out and encouragement, letters, calls have all made for an easy transition and your kind words about In My Opinion are extremely encouraging

I’ve long been a storyteller and this forum I have been accorded gives me a rare opportunity and one whose responsibility I don’t take lightly.

I hope you’ll pass along the word and to you and yours the best of Merry Christmas.

Just sayin


By admin

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