Tue. Feb 18th, 2025


So how far does one have to venture out of the valleys of western Montana to encounter Ides of May snow?

Well it turns out that rather than venture to Glacier National Park over the weekend maybe I didn’t have to travel anywhere.

Because as it turns out some are forecast to pick up a little white stuff maybe as you are listening  or reading this.

But IMO went in search anyway even if that wasn’t the primary reason for heading up the road.

It has become pretty customary for me to make periodic trip to what I have always referred to as “the Park” even though often people inquire which park – What ya mean what park – Look that other park belongs far more to what now is termed “The Equality State” of Wyoming instead of Montana because of its overall location.

So now that’s straight – about the annual trip north which with a robust group of Mission valley friends takes us camping in west Glacier, then Saturday morning on bicycles to travel as far up toward Logan Pass as possible.

And as the approximate three dozen peddled away I convinced a couple of folks to make my annual visit to Polebridge to raid the popular bakery.

From Highway two it’s a short jaunt past Lake Five across Blankenship and onto North Fork Road go to the popular store and bakery just the park entrance that takes one to Bowman and Kintla Lake.

The store was only closed a month during the winter and was doing robust business Saturday with license plates from few states and several Montana counties.

The Northern Lights Saloon next door will reopen next weekend.

The Flathead River was running as strong as I’ve ever seen.

After spending my usual $20 plus for bakery goods, some of which even made it home, it was further up the road hoping to get to the closed Canadian border but that was thwarted by a guy who high centered in the road then ripped up the surface trying to get out making it impassible.

The high point you say – The fellowship of course but the huge herd of elk a few hundred feet off the road finishes a close runner-up and to get to see them in both directions was well worth the trip.

Just sayin’

By admin

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