A sincere thank you


When I initially approached Anderson Broadcasting about my idea for an opinion segment, I thought the possibility probably would be a stretch.

After all we live in a relatively small burg, diminutive enough that seemingly everybody knows each other, at least if they are not somewhat related, and accompanying the proximity we probably know more about each other’s business than is healthy.

Now I am admittedly am a curious fellow and seem to possess the affinity that people I either know well or am just meeting tell me things they might not easily share with others and I have asked questions of folks most of my life – usually from people who aren’t interested in even talking to a reporter – and well you get the idea.

I again tell you this background to share how this IMO program was honored with an E. B. Craney award Saturday by the Montana Broadcasters Association and the Greater Montana Association.

Were it not for Dennis and Nila Anderson and program director Dean August being willing to take a chance on a daily diatribe that also is picked up by The Ride in Missoula, such recognition would not have been possible.

And the gala awards affair at Huntley Lodge at Big Sky was especially meaningful to me because after being so honored in 1988, 1992, and 2007 to be able to play with the young pups whose excellence dominates this industry humbles me.

I guess I have always been a story teller and if I had my druthers I would prefer to write features and human interest and all of that made its way into my play-by-play but my print career saw me mostly document tragedy.

I often said if your name is under my byline, it probably isn’t good.

So now at this point to share two minutes of shortened harangue on a subject I view useful is especially meaningful.

And as I have often said how could I not be inspired given where we have the good fortune to live and the people whose lives I share.

So a sincere thanks for listening with this assurance you’ll hear some observations here but not much negativity and like or dislike please keep listening and tell our sponsors and ownership you like what you hear.

Just sayin’

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