Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

As much as things change with the time, some things just remain the same…and that is indeed not all bad.

And how about if I can talk a bit of about that without leaning in the direction of politics or religion.

It was what I would term a weekend that didn‘t has enough hours but that’s OK.

Usually my Monday program is done pretty early in the weekend – in fact often before the weekend starts but should I say mid-week I lost both computers and my cell phone.

By lost I mean everything electronic that I touched for a few days stopped working and my supply of 12-year-old geniuses couldn’t be located.

Fortunately my bearded buddy Jerry came to the rescue and it took all of about 30 minutes to get me up and running.

And here it is Sunday night and I haven’t broken anything.

You see I am now an Uber driver – didn’t I tell you that – and it’s pretty hard to operate without such devices.

But while I am all set up I have yet to gain my inaugural fare and even as I write, I’m ready to roll but that is for another day.

Many have heard me tell the story about how I got to Montana – hired to run a new bowling center, then another and another but then unexpectedly came radio and then along with that again a daily newspaper job.

But bowling is today’s Order of the Day because Lucky Strike Lanes in Ronan where I think I first bowled tournament some time in the 70s traveling from Spokane, hosted an awesome scratch tournament under differing lane conditions over the weekend.

And even though I threw my last bowling ball in September 1993, there were astill a few names I recognized and competed against back in the day.

We will delve further into this but suffice it to say I have some credibility having routinely then practiced some 50-75 games a day, owned easily 50 bowling balls and traveled to tournaments basically every weekend and summer.

That was in addition to bowling five to six leagues a week.

The two-day event was captured by Rick Perry of Kalispell a former PBA member and Rookie of the Year who easily makes my top five in Montana bowling history.

A unabashed ambassador of the sport who I haven’t seen in decades, there just isn’t a nicer guy or a better and tougher competitor.

Bowling has drastically changed and from a purist point of view not necessarily for the better but Tim and Lisa taking the chance to hold this tournament in Ronan and a wily veteran surfacing to capture the championship (I’m not telling the tax man) gives me hope a game in which I invested many moons has a chance to enjoy a resurgence.

Just sayin’


By admin

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