Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

By Mick Holien

If you’re from the “old school,” whatever that can now be described as, celebration of the birthday of our country’s first president would be celebrated ten days from today on Feb. 22nd.

But since the federal holiday has been kinda of decreed each year on the third Monday welcome to President’s Day.

Because the day is in honor of several past presidents the nationwide celebration is varied and while the Post Office is closed many businesses not only are open but often hold commemorative sales with Washington as the hook.

This country’s first president served from 1793 to 1797 and Commander of the Continental Army, the first holiday in his honor was held in the District of Columbia in 1880.

With passage of the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill in 1968, a number of holidays including this one were designated to be moved to Monday so workers could celebrate long weekends.

In 1971, when the bill became effective, the holiday received official designation in honor of his 1732 birth but not on the actual day, rather decreed to be recognized on any day from the 15th to the 21st.

Recognized as a state holiday by more than half the states, much is made it seems of its moniker.

So one, I guess, can look it all up – Like for example and I’m not kidding Washington’s Birthday only in Virginia, Illinois, Iowa and New York while in most states, but not Montana, it is recognized as president’s Day.

In the Treasure State it officially is designated Lincoln and Washington’s Birthday but you can reverse the order of the two men to reverse alphabetical in Colorado. Ohio, Utah and Minnesota.

Now hear this- most of a page on Wikipedia is used to explain the different states designation and three pages are dedicated to bibliography.

Hey what a way to start the week which on Thursday Charter Day the birth of its founding, is recognized by the University of Montana.

And Wednesday we’ll reveal a bit of a surprise that I’m sure everyone will enjoy

Just sayin;’

By admin

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