Tue. Feb 18th, 2025


You will notice that the audio portion of 750kerr.com makes it easier in order to access since the programs are now listed in order.

Our course we would prefer that you o listen to each program live on the radio but if you can’t, well here you go.

Griz vessel made its fourth journey to “little” water in Polson Bay after journeying far north earlier in the week.

But I certainly would not say it was an uneventful trip as not only did I take back-to-back falls onto the concrete, the second of which left quite a goosegg and a slice up my right eyelid.

Surfing without a net, I refused and I guess I am going to wear a new T-bone scar.

Although the head bump was plenty loud, this wound left little blood on the pavement, nothing like the last time when I severed an artery requiring some 13 stitches.

This disease (MS) is plenty confusing with some days feeling as if my muscles are being consumed from the inside and are so weak I have no flexor strength, making it quite difficult to get on and off a boat even with assistance.

Unable to stand last night, I thought chances Sunday were doubtful especially since even exiting or entering the truck proves difficult.

But all is not lost, daylight hours remain and I’m ready if you are.

Along with a couple of buddies our last trip brought some SEC slag and nearly an hour of great conversation while several docks away we encountered a quartet of Griz-pros, three of whom occupied the defensive side of the football.

They had graciously dedicated their time and money for a local middle-school camp.

We could have received that big-time football overview buy an NCAA rule deems that a college coach cannot appear on the same docket as a high schooler and The Sportsman of the Year banquet also favors high school athletes and thus would be a minor violation.

The rule has changed several times during my tenure and our Breakfast with the Coaches at Rubys Café adhere to those standards

Just sayin’.


By admin

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