In A Newsroom

By Mick Holien

It was bound to happen.

As I was writing this diatribe in the background are preliminary reports of the shooting inside a newsroom in the Baltimore area.

As the information begins to come forward we learn the shooter is in custody but there are five people dead and several badly wounded.

“Bound to happen,” I say because for months the Media have been termed “enemies of the people” and a base of people who take to heart everything that they hear.

And some are inspired to act in some perverse way, as in this case.

A free press is an absolute guarantee in our democracy and Constitution. And any attempted perversion is an attack on the very beat of our collective heart.

But even more importantly local media are the cornerstone of what keeps that heart burning. You have heard the statement “All politics is local,’’ and even having more of locality importance are newspapers, radio and television journalists who know your kids names because they were at the finish line of the track meet; the interview after the City Council might start with a greeting asking about the Mayor’s sick wife before any mention of meeting matter.

While small media outlets are reeling from the unthinkable happenings in Baltimore count on the fact local media will keep on coming and keep the keyboard crackling.’

CTE will be one of our subjects next week. Closer and closer we find that the degenerative brain disease has a profound effect on our collative next-door-neighbor.

Remember it is almost cherry time and representatives of Ronan and Polson Boys and Girls Club are ready to bring the cherries to you. All proceeds to the clubs.

$35 a lug delivered. Email me at

Just sayin’




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